Tuesday, May 13, 2014

To Those Who Hate How the Brethren Are Spending Our Tithing Money

So, you don't like how the Brethren are spending the tithing money you send them?  You don't like the condos and luxury apartments that they are buying or building?

Then you are not going to like what I have to say here, because the Brethren have some very big plans for your tithing donations.

Think BIG. Think really BIG. Think GLOBAL!

Relax, people; the Brethren are just warming up. What they are doing now is just practicing for what is to come.

Before they are done, they will be using tithing funds to buy and build whole cities, luxury cities, Temple Cities. Has anyone heard of the City of Zion? Before this all winds up, the Brethren will be buying and building whole cities – luxury cities or Temple Cities. If you are upset by a handful of luxury apartments, you are going to be really upset when they start building those exclusive luxury cities for the elite and the elect. Those luxury cities will be built out of the tithing funds of the poor and out of the profits of the other Church ventures. And, what's really going to upset you is that those cities will be retirement communities for a selective few of the church membership – you won't even be welcome into those cities unless you hold a current Temple Recommend. Only the elect, or the elected, or the chosen Temple Recommend holders will actually live and work in these luxury cities that the LDS Church will someday build. The rest of us will be on the outside. That's really going to get some of us upset on the Bloggernacle, before we are done.

We are not going to go crawling back or walking back to Missouri, with our tails between our legs. Such a group of people wouldn't be able to buy or build the Cities of Zion. Metaphorically speaking or comparatively speaking, we are going to be buying the State of Missouri, before we are done. So, hold on to your hats. It's coming. They are only just starting to get warmed up. If their initial steps are upsetting to you, wait until they really get going. You're not going to like it, especially the exclusive nature of it.  You are not going to like the fact that it will require a current Temple Recommend and being an active, tithe-paying, Brethren-sustaining, sober Latter-day Saint to even enter into one of these cities.  It's going to be a members-only club; and, those who don't want to have any part of it and don't want to follow the rules associated with it, will be left standing on the outside looking in.

It's going to be glorious for those who are willing to make the adjustments necessary to get in.  But, it's going to bug the holy hosannas out of the rest of us who are left standing on the outside.


A couple of people have responded to this message and said that I make the City of Zion sound like the Large and Spacious building spoken about in the Book of Mormon.  And, they are right; that's the way I make it sound.

I responded to their message:

You are right. The City of Zion that comes down out of Heaven at the end of the Millennium sounds like it will be a Borg Cube about the size of Saudi Arabia. That's a scary thought, isn't it?  It will take some serious coin to get that one built and safely landed on the ground.  If I remember correctly, it will be a cube 600 miles by 600 miles by 600 miles.  It will be a flying city.  Can you imagine a building that ascends 600 miles into the sky? Only a God could build such a thing. That's truly a large and spacious building, but it will be the future home of all those on this earth who go to the Celestial Kingdom.  I'm sure that some people will consider it to be a major eye-sore.  It does tell me that the people who live in the penthouse 600 miles up don't need to breath oxygen in order to live and survive.  Do the math and try to figure out how many billions of God the Father's and Heavenly Mother's children can be packed into such a building for Sunday brunch!  "You will be assimilated.  Resistance is futile."

People who have seen this behemoth in vision have said that it has doors on different sides of the cube that look like fiery pearls (the origin of the Pearly Gate stories); and, those pearls will scan every atom of you and every aspect of your spirit, and you are not getting in to this large and spacious building unless you pass the scan.  It will be a deep and personal Temple Recommend interview right to your very core or soul, and unless you pass the interview or the exam, you are not getting into the City of Zion.  How would you like to go through that kind of Temple Recommend interview, one that probes you to your very spirit or soul?

Not to worry, though. The Temple Cities and City of Zion that the Latter-day Saints will build and the Temple Cities that will be built during the Millennium will be very much like the cities we are used to, with parks, gardens, orchards, fields of wheat, rivers, streams, flowers, and fresh air for everyone to enjoy. It's just that they will be walled up so that only those with Temple Recommends can get in. I imagine they will start small at first; but, the ones built during the Millennium will be huge and at some point they will no longer need a wall around them. These Temple Cities will be large and spacious and open to the wonderful blue sky every day. The Temple Cities of the Millennium will have Trees of Life all along the river banks.  If you are going to the Central Temple Complex or the Central Temple Office Building, you are going there for one reason, to see the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ.  I hope they will be large and spacious cities, because I hope that there will be room enough in one of them for you and me.


If you are looking for reasons to quit the LDS Church, any reason is as good as any other.  The net result is the same.

Related Links:



These links testify that my original assumption is slightly off.  Of course, for satire to be truly effective, it has to be slightly off base.  The truth is that the LDS Church does NOT use tithing funds for many of the projects that people are complaining about.  However, I do know that some of the tithing funds are used to build the Temples of Zion.  I also know that for the Jordan River Temple, the LDS Church was able to use personal donations from the members of the LDS Church to build and run the temple for years without having to use a single penny from the Tithing Fund.  I am one of those who made a personal donation to the Jordan River Temple a year or two before it was built.  My tithing payments were above and beyond my Temple Building Donation.

We discussed some of this and other interesting things on the LDS Freedom Forum in this thread:


You might have to register and sign in to the LDS Freedom Forum, in order to see the thread.

Welcome to Outer Darkness!

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