Particularly useful to lay the foundation:
Of course, like any proof, you will have to be willing to accept the evidence (or postulates) as true, before it will have any meaning or value to you; and obviously, you will have to be willing to look and see.
Another helpful link related to this topic:
I started a thread that may (or may not) prove helpful. We'll have to see if I get any additional input that is useful. We can only hope.
I also started a thread that has moved into being an "evidence for God" kind of thread; but, you will have to Register on LDS Freedom Forum in order to see this thread.
I was asked to supply supporting sources for some of my claims. Of particular interest to me was the fact that the person wanted me to supply instances of LDS prophets after Brigham Young having seen and conversed with our resurrected Lord Jesus Christ.
I responded as follows:
I responded as follows:
The link given below is excellent. Click it and see. What you are looking for is at the bottom. ... seph_Smith
Isn't it interesting how it doesn't count unless it happened after Brigham Young? Don't let it bother you, my friend, because I think it is meant to be that way for a reason. I was that way for decades. It didn't count unless it happened after Brigham Young. I believe that many of us have that feeling in order to keep us searching and looking. And, in a sense, we are right. It doesn't count unless it is happening here and now in our time and in our lives. The revelations and visions given to the dead prophets are often not as useful to us as the revelations and visions given to the Living Prophets. ... seph_Smith
Isn't it interesting how it doesn't count unless it happened after Brigham Young? Don't let it bother you, my friend, because I think it is meant to be that way for a reason. I was that way for decades. It didn't count unless it happened after Brigham Young. I believe that many of us have that feeling in order to keep us searching and looking. And, in a sense, we are right. It doesn't count unless it is happening here and now in our time and in our lives. The revelations and visions given to the dead prophets are often not as useful to us as the revelations and visions given to the Living Prophets.
Also look at:
While searching for evidence of God, I found or was pointed to:
The Temple Studies group seems to be an inter-denominational group of theists who start with the assumption that God exists, and then they talk about the consequences or results of that assumption.
The Of God and Goddesses blog is a summary or an introduction to the Temple Studies group. The approach is something like, "Assuming that God really exists, what does all that mean to you and me?"
The following essays are indirect logic proofs of Gods existence, but as usual require the reader to buy into the initial assumptions.
In conclusion, it's impossible to find a convincing proof of God for anyone who as chosen not to believe in God or has chosen not to look and see. Belief in God takes a leap of faith.
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