Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The Nature of the Beast

When you come out and publicly state that you no longer support Thomas S. Monson as the President and the Prophet of the LDS Church, or publicly state that you no longer support the LDS Apostles as Prophets, Seers, and Revelators, then there is really no reason for them to keep you as a member of the LDS Church. When you step away from these men and no longer sustain them, you are no longer a member of the LDS Church in your heart, whether you have been excommunicated or not. If you honestly say that you no longer sustain these men as Prophets, Seers, and Revelators, they cannot give you a Temple Recommend and there's really no reason for them to keep you around as a member either. That's just the nature of the beast.

Yes, you are welcome to attend the meetings; and, I know from personal experience that many kind, charitable, compassionate, and loving people at the LDS Church will help you in every way possible, whether you are a member of the LDS Church or not.  But, you won't be able to get a Temple Recommend if you refuse to sustain the Brethren or refuse to keep the commandments of God.  I don't have a Temple Recommend, and there are reasons for it.  I know of what I speak; and, I know what I need to repent of.

These men (the LDS Church General Authorities) hold the keys to the door. If you say that you no longer want to have anything to do with them, they give you what you want.  They show you the door, because there is nothing else that they can do for you.  That's just the way it works. It worked that way during Christ's time, and it works that way today.  You have to be willing to meet them half way.  You have to be willing to keep Christ's commandments, or there is nothing that Christ can do to help you.

It also worked that way in the pre-existence in the Council in Heaven. Those who said that they didn't want to have anything to do with Christ, His Plan, and the Father's Plan got exactly what they wanted. God didn't force them to stay. God showed them the door, and they walked through it of their own free will and choice, and found themselves on the outside where they wanted to be. God is not going to force you to stay if you do not want to stay.  That's the nature of the beast.

You have to be active to be Active.

Speaking evil of the Lord's Anointed results in being separated from the Lord's Anointed.  It comes naturally and automatically.  When we separate ourselves from the Brethren or the Lord's Anointed, we suddenly find ourselves separated from the Lord's Anointed and the Brethren.  It's strange how it works out that way.  It's magic!

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