When I decided to
pursue further knowledge concerning some of these things, I had some
people ask me, “Why are you reading Denver Snuffer's blog page?”
I had others ask me, “Why haven't you asked the Lord?”
Reasonable questions.
At the time, I was in
the “study it out in your mind” phase of revelation. You have to
read and study in the “study phase” of the process. You have to
pray and ask for inspiration, insight, and the ability to understand
during the “study phase” of the process. You have to “think it
out in your mind” during the “study phase”; and, that's where I
was when people asked me their questions. I was also trying to
elicit a response and input from those whom I thought might know. I
also presented some of my initial theories and tested the waters,
before jumping in and making up my mind.
After a particularly
inspirational day at Church, I came home and continued my Gospel
studies and writings. During my nightly prayers, I suddenly felt
moved upon to ask my questions. I asked my questions and the answers
popped quickly and easily into my mind; and, it went that way for a
number of hours.
Here's some of my
questions and some of my answers:
Q. Is it necessary for
my eternal salvation and exaltation to know if Thomas S. Monson has
seen Christ face-to-face or heard His voice?
A. “No. That issue
is between Thomas Monson and Jesus Christ, and simply has no bearing
on your own personal salvation or exaltation.”
Q. Is it essential for
my exaltation to believe or know if any of the modern-day living LDS
Apostles have seen Christ or spoken with Him?
A. “No. That issue
is between them and Jesus Christ, and it's simply not binding on you
and does not apply to you.” Interesting.
Q. Is it necessary for
my exaltation to know if Joseph Smith saw Jesus Christ and the
Father? Is it necessary to have a testimony of the First Vision?
A. “Yes. As a
Latter-day Saint in this dispensation, this knowledge and this
testimony is absolutely essential for your personal salvation and
The question that
popped immediately in my mind, “Why?”
A. “It's because the
First Vision is in the Pearl of Great Price and the Pearl of Great
Price has been canonized, voted upon, and sustained in the General
Conferences of the LDS Church. As a Latter-day Saint seeking
exaltation, it is vital that you sustain and accept the First Vision
as true, because it is in the Standard Works of the LDS Church.”
Q. Is it necessary for
me to have a testimony or a witness of the Book of Mormon and believe
that it is the word of God?
A. “Yes, absolutely.
The Book of Mormon has been voted upon and sustained in the General
Conferences of the LDS Church, and the book and its contents are
fully binding on you and absolutely necessary for your exaltation in
the Celestial Kingdom.”
Q. Is acceptance of
the Doctrine and Covenants or a testimony of that book necessary for
my exaltation?
A. “Yes.”
Q. Why, I asked!
A. “For the same
reason. The book has been canonized in the LDS Church; and thus,
acceptance of the book and a willingness to keep the covenants in
that book are necessary for your exaltation. Furthermore, the book
is 'voted upon' or sustained in the LDS Temple Endowment. Thus, as
an endowed Latter-day Saint, the Doctrine and Covenants is fully
binding on you by covenants that you have already made in the Temple
of God.”
Q. What about the
A. “Yes, as far as
it is translated correctly. The Bible is part of the Standard Works,
and thus a testimony of the book and acceptance of the book and
compliance to the commandments (especially the Ten Commandments) in
the book are necessary for your salvation and exaltation.
Particularly study the Gospel of John, the Ten Commandments, the Book
of Isaiah, the Psalms, the testimony of Paul, and the Sermon on the
Mount – many of these things are included or duplicated in the Book
of Mormon for a reason, after all.”
Q. What about the Word
of Wisdom? Is it necessary?
A. “Yes, as long as
it is taken in wisdom and used with prudence, moderation, and
understanding. It's particularly important to break and overcome all
your addictions. It's important to achieve and maintain sobriety.
Eat well-balanced meals, with lots of fruits and vegetables and nuts.
Go sparingly on the meat. One meat-meal a day is fine, but the
meat-meal is not supposed to be meat and nothing but meat. The meat
is supposed to be a small portion of the meal and surrounded by
vegetables, salads, fruit, nuts and other goodies when you put the
meat down. Go sparingly on the bread, especially the white bread. A
slice a day is fine. Half a loaf of bread for every meal is not fine
– it will give you the dreaded bread-basket. Go sparingly on the
soda pop – once a week or once a month is fine. Soda pop for every
meal will make you fat, give you diabetes, and slowly kill you.
Don't go fanatical about it all. A slice of chocolate cake once a
month is just fine; but, a slice of chocolate cake for every meal is
not fine! A coke or pepsi to keep you awake during a long drive is
just fine if you find it necessary; but, coke and pepsi for every
meal is NOT fine and is a violation of the Word of Wisdom. If you
have a sick tummy or migraine headache, a cup of Green Tea once or
twice a year as medicine is perfectly fine and will have you
right-as-rain within a couple of hours. Green Tea morning and night
is a violation of the Word of Wisdom.” And so forth. This Q&A
went on for awhile.
Then I started to ask
the million-dollar questions.
Q. Is it necessary for
my eternal salvation and exaltation to believe and to know that
Denver Snuffer saw Jesus Christ and spoke with Jesus Christ?
A. “No. That
situation is between Denver Snuffer and Jesus Christ, and it is no
longer binding on you. In fact, it never was binding on you.”
That answer was a relief and brought a great deal of peace to my
Q. Is it necessary for
my exaltation to sustain Denver Snuffer as a Prophet of the Lord?
A. “No. He is NOT
one of the Twelve Apostles, and Denver's status and standing with the
Lord is not binding on you in any way, shape, or form. That issue is
between Denver Snuffer and Jesus Christ, and nothing more.”
I asked a lot of
questions about Denver's excommunication from the LDS Church, and I
got a bunch of different answers here and there over time.
A. “That issue is
between Denver Snuffer, his Bishop and Stake President, and Jesus
Christ. It has absolutely nothing to do with you. It was fine for
you to have hoped that he wouldn't be excommunicated, but now that he
has been excommunicated, that issue is between him and the Lord and
has nothing to do with you, because you are not Denver's Bishop or
Stake President. Relax. Move along. Nothing to see here.”
Q. Did Denver Snuffer
really see Jesus Christ and talk with Jesus Christ?
A. “That issue is
between Denver Snuffer and Jesus Christ. It has absolutely nothing
to do with you. If he saw the Savior, then wonderful. If he did
not, it doesn't matter anyway. It has nothing to do with you. It
doesn't concern you. And it isn't the least bit binding on you. The
same applies to Thomas S. Monson and the other LDS Apostles. That
issue is between them and the Lord. A testimony or knowledge of it
is NOT necessary for your own personal salvation.”
Q. Why?
A. “Their encounters
with the Lord, both great and small, are not included in the LDS
scriptures and have not been canonized; therefore, their experiences
with the Lord are not essential for your salvation and exaltation.”
Q. Is knowledge of the
Denver Snuffer book, “The Second Comforter”, or a testimony of
the book necessary for my personal salvation and exaltation?
A. “No.”
Q. I then asked why?
A. “The book has not
been voted upon in General Conferences of the LDS Church, has not
been canonized, and has not been added to the Standard Works of the
LDS Church. If the book was necessary for your exaltation, it would
have already been voted upon in General Conference and included in
the Pearl of Great Price and printed in the 2013 Edition of the LDS
Scriptures. Since the book is not there, it is not binding upon you;
and thus, it's not necessary for your eternal salvation and
exaltation. Knowledge of Denver Snuffer and his books is NOT
necessary for your salvation and exaltation; if it were, these books
would have already been included in the LDS Scriptures by now.”
I also got the distinct
impression that it is perfectly acceptable to own the “Second
Comforter” book, to read the book, and to like the book – which I
do and have done.
A. The following are
some of the impressions that came to my mind, “If the book helps
you in your own personal quest to experience the Second Comforter,
then so much the better! That matter is between you and the Lord,
and will be taken care of in the Lord's own due time. Enjoy the book
and make use of it, if you can. However, if you are one of the
millions of Latter-day Saints who haven't heard of the book, haven't
read the book, or can't afford to buy the book, God is NOT going to
hold it against you. Knowledge of the book and a testimony of the
book simply are NOT necessary for your exaltation as a Latter-day
Saint; however, a Temple Endowment is. The LDS Scriptures are
necessary for your salvation and exaltation, but Denver's “Second
Comforter” book is not.”
I thought that
information was good to know, because I know many Latter-day Saints
who have never heard of Denver Snuffer, have never read any of his
books, or couldn't afford to buy his books even if they wanted to.
Q. Do I have to accept
and sustain Denver Snuffer as a Prophet, Seer, and Revelator in order
to be saved and exalted.
A. “No. Denver is
not one of the LDS General authorities, and Denver is not one of the
LDS Apostles. That whole issue is between Denver Snuffer and the
Lord. It has nothing to do with you.”
Q. Do I have to
sustain Thomas S. Monson as the current Prophet and President of the
LDS Church and sustain the LDS Apostles as Prophets, Seers, and
Revelators in order to be saved and exalted in the Celestial Kingdom?
A. “Yes. This issue
is at the very core of being a Latter-day Saint. That's why these
men are voted upon and sustained each and every General Conference
and Ward Conference, because sustaining and accepting them is
necessary for your exaltation and eternal salvation. They have
stewardship over you and are duly anointed and authorized to serve
you; and, they will be held accountable to the Lord if they fail to
do so. Therefore, if you fail to sustain them, you are equally
accountable to the Lord for that failure and it will actually cost
you your exaltation if you refuse to sustain them. Exaltation in the
Celestial Kingdom is an LDS-Church related issue and an LDS Temple
Endowment issue; therefore, failure or refusal to sustain your LDS
Church Leaders and failure to receive your Temple Anointings and
Temple Endowment will naturally block you from receiving entrance
into the Celestial Kingdom. Excommunication from the LDS Church
would block you from entering into the Celestial Kingdom, unless you
get the situation resolved.”
Q. Do I need a Temple
Endowment in order to be exalted in the Celestial Kingdom?
A. “Yes. Every
person who is exalted in the Celestial Kingdom will need some kind of
Temple-like experience either in this life or in the next, in order
to enter into the Celestial Kingdom. That's just the way it works.
All of the true Prophets and Patriarchs before us have received some
kind of Temple experience or Mountain-top experience or Temple
Endowment with the Lord, as an essential part of their salvation and
exaltation. If they didn't receive that kind of experience before,
they will have to receive it sometime in the future, before they can
be exalted and enter into the Celestial Kingdom of God.”
Q. Do I have to go to
church in order to be saved and exalted?
A. “The Lord is
perfectly understanding and merciful. If you are so sick that you
cannot leave your bed or walk out of the house, then no, you do not
have to go to church in order to be saved. The Lord understands.
However, receiving the sacrament and renewing your covenants on a
regular basis are necessary for your exaltation and necessary for
your progress while you are alive here on this earth. If you are
chronically crippled or ill so that you cannot get to church, then
the proper course is to talk to your Bishop, Home Teachers, or Quorum
leaders and request that the Priests bring the sacrament into your
home each Sunday so that you can continue to receive those blessings.
On the other hand, if you are using each and every Sunday for
boating, golfing, hunting, partying, and getting drunk, then your
lack of church attendance will indeed threaten your exaltation in the
Celestial Kingdom.”
Q. There are exclusive
forums and blogs on the internet for the people who sustain Denver
Snuffer as their personal Prophet, Seer, and Revelator. Is it
necessary for my exaltation, to be a member of one of these forums or
A. “No. Those
exclusive forums are simply a marketing ploy to generate traffic and
income for the owners of the website. If you find benefit or
inspiration on the Bloggernacle, then fine; but, if it's leading you
to apostasy or excommunication from the LDS Church, then beware.”
Q. Do I have to keep
any of these revelations to myself, or couch them in metaphor and
mystery and secrecy?
A. “No. These
revelations you have received are common knowledge and common sense
and are fully and freely available to every Latter-day Saint who is
willing to look and see. You haven't received anything that you need
to keep quiet about, and you can talk about it all you want.”
So, in conclusion, no
special knowledge or secret knowledge was revealed to me, just a calm
assurance that I was on the right track. No magic or voodoo. No
voices or earthquakes. No thunder or lightening, just a calm still
feeling that my questions had been heard and answered, to my
satisfaction. Good enough. I share what I discovered, because the
impression came upon me that it was perfectly fine to do so; it is
all common knowledge after all, equally available to every Latter-day
Saint on the planet. All they have to do is look and see, and choose
to accept and understand.
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