The Deceivers and
the Deceived:
I was talking with
an LDS friend about this subject. The person opened my eyes to a few
things that I had never been able to see before. I noticed that the
person is right because it conforms with what I have observed online;
and, the Spirit told me that the person is right.
Whenever Gospel
Subjects are being discussed online or in person, there are three
types of people that you will encounter.
The first type of
person that you can encounter is the Seer. This person has seen
Heaven and the Spirit World and knows exactly what's going on there.
This person has seen the mind and the will of God, and thus this
person sees things the way that God sees them. This person has a
sure knowledge of the Truth. I see and experience some of that in
the writings and revelations of Joseph Smith. There are also
occasional times when I encounter the writings or sermons of LDS
Apostles and some of the Seventy who seem to have been given a peek
behind the Curtain and know how things really are in Heaven and how
things really work in Heaven. Some of them seem to know the mind of
God and God's will concerning a wide variety of subjects. They have
The next group that
you can encounter are the deceived. The baptized Latter-day Saints,
many of the LDS Apostates, the atheists, the agnostics, and the
non-LDS typically fit into this category.
The deceived can be
like Saul, who truly and sincerely believed that he was doing God's
work by killing the Christians. Saul believed that he was serving
God whenever he killed a Christian. There are many people out there
in the world who truly believe that they are serving God and doing
God's work whenever they try to destroy the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints. They are good sincere people doing what they
believe God wants them to do.
There is another
group of the deceived that I like to call the “rank and file”
Latter-day Saints. These are people like me. Throughout our lives
we have periodically been taught false doctrines and false ideas, and
have come to believe that they are true. Thus, we will go online and
sincerely preach lies and false doctrines all the while believing
that they are true, because we don't know any better. When someone
tells me that I have lied or that I need to retract some lie, I have
no idea what they are talking about, because I can't see where I was
lying. I'm just telling people what I have been taught and what I
believe to be true. I can't see the falsehood unless somebody kindly
points it out to me.
The non-LDS, the
Atheists, the Agnostics, and so forth are another group of the
I have noticed that
most people on LDS Freedom Forum fit within the classification of the
deceived. We are each going along doing the best we can, telling it
as we see it, and getting it wrong some of the time. We are the
blind leading the blind, because NONE of us are Seers. But, since I
have gotten the sense that there are NO Seers participating on LDS
Freedom Forum, nobody who really knows God's mind and nobody who
really knows how things are there in Heaven, I have been instructed
to patiently allow people to make their mistakes and try to correct
them where appropriate in a kinder and more pleasing manner than I
have been doing.
There's a third
group that we can encounter, and that's the deceivers. These people
know the truth and they know the true doctrines of Christ, yet they
deliberately choose to spread lies, false Doctrines, and falsehoods
instead. They have chosen Satan as their god instead of Jesus
Christ; yet, they will pretend to be servants of Christ and Prophets
of Christ all the while mixing lies and false interpretations into
the LDS Scriptures while quoting the LDS Scriptures. These people
are the anti-Christs. They take the truth and twist it to serve
their agenda; and, their agenda is typically to lead people away from
the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
I have periodically
been asked why I chose to participate on LDS Freedom Forum. I have
noticed that LDS Freedom forum is packed with disgruntled Latter-day
Saints, deceived Latter-day Saints, Control Freaks, People Looking
for a Friend, uneducated Latter-day Saints, LDS converts, LDS
Apostates, Agnostics, Repentant Sinners, non-LDS scholars, unhappy
people, confused people, depressed people, excitable people, sincere
people, and people looking for a better way. These people are like
me. I am them, and they are me. I have been where some of them are.
I have been in hell, and I want to try to help them to get out of
hell if I can.
I also want to try
to help them to avoid the deceivers, because I would have been in a
heck of a mess if I had started to take instruction from deceivers
instead of the active Latter-day Saints, during my withdrawal from
drugs and my recovery and reactivation. At the time, I was extremely
vulnerable to deception, because I hadn't yet found my current group
of LDS friends whom I have learned to trust. You don't want to fall
into the hands of a deceiver while you are trying to find God.
Falling into the hands of the deceived who are sincerely trying to
help you will serve you fine enough; but, falling into the hands of a
deceiver will bring you a whole new round of hell.
While I was going
through the recovery process, I prayed and asked God who I could go
to in order to get instruction from God and not be led astray. The
names of a few Latter-day Saints in the ward repeatedly came to mind,
one in particular. It has now been confirmed dozens of times that I
had indeed received a revelation from God. I was told where to go to
get the lessons and the instruction that I needed and desired from
Some people have
asked me why I write such long posts. I learn by writing. I often
receive revelations and insights from God while writing. That's just
the way it works for me. So, when I write and post, I want it to be
something that has some substance or meat to it. Therefore, my posts
are not short. If I pick a topic to discuss, I like to cover it in
full, if possible. I like to write whatever God is willing to give
me to write.
I can also testify
that it is infinitely more effective to discuss the Gospel in person
face-to-face than it is do to it online. Where two or more people
are gathered together in person in Christ's Name, the Spirit can
actually be there to testify whenever truth is being spoken. You
usually can't get that kind of thing online through the written word,
because many of the people online are not gathered there in Christ's
Name. They have their own agenda instead.
I can also testify
that it has been extremely helpful to attend the LDS Church on
Sundays, especially after having not done so for over a decade.
My message is to
look to the LDS Prophet, the LDS Apostles, and the LDS General
Authorities for the Gospel Knowledge that you seek. My message is to
find some active Latter-day Saint in your ward that you can learn to
trust and actually learn from. Some of them are Prophets and Seers
and Revelators. It might be possible to find a Prophet, Seer, and
Revelator in your own ward. My message is not to let anyone lead you
away from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
I was excommunicated without ever being given the opportunity of speaking at my trial. My trail was based upon my understanding of the scriptures which states I believe that the Holy Spirit will become embodied and become the final prophet/angel to prepare the way for the second coming of Christ.
ReplyDeleteThis is something not taught by our leaders. It is not something I expressed in Church, but did express privately to certain members I thought might be interested.
This was the grounds for my excommunication....simply expressing an observation I had discerned in the scriptures. One that apparently does not sit well with President Hinckley, who personally directed my excommunication, as was told to me by my Stake President, who went to the First Presidency over this subject when it was brought up before the Stake President by an upset member who found this to be a topic unfit for discussion.
I later found that it was contrary to church law for the First Presidency to interject in this matter, for which the Stake President had full authority to take care of.
When it comes to the First Presidency getting involved with an excommunication process before it has already been decided at the Stake Level, it becomes a huge conflict of interest because it short circuits the appeals process.
At my hearing, I was given no prior instruction what so ever, as to HOW the council was conducting the hearing and that I was actually to have a member of the counsel represent me to make sure I was given the opportunity to speak my piece in my own defense.
As the hearing began and proceeded, the charge of apostasy was given as the grounds for my excommunication, and then the Stake President looked at the Counsel Member who was assigned to defend me, and asked him...."Does this brother have anything to say in his defense " ? His answer was "No".
I had never met or spoke with this so called defense counselor. I was given no instructions on this prior to my going in for my hearing so I COULD have him counsel with me before going in.
My Stake President later told me he spoke with the Prophet, and the First Presidency mailed him a letter directing my release from the church and then told him to destroy the letter.
My Stake President, like myself at that time, were not exactly up on all the ins & outs of church law. I found these discrepencies when later studying church law and finding I had basically been run through a Kangaroo type hearing and excommunication.
I also came to find out that thousands of members have been released in this same fashion, and by these "letters" generated by the First Presidency in violation of church law.
Why should these letters need to be Destroyed ?
Who is actually operating in an apostate mode ? Members expressing their findings and opinions, or men who excommunicate them in violation of church laws ? Are THEY above God's Laws ?
So the real question would be....WHY are they doing this in this MANNER ? Is it NOT to give voice to Disenting Observations & Opinions that Church Law PROVIDES for ? What IS it they don't want us to KNOW ?
Joseph Smith and the Ancient Prophets, answer this question without a DOUBT, as to what these new leaders are up to....
Is THIS why the newer prophets claim "THEIR WORDS" Trump the words of ?"LESSER"? Prophets who precede them ?
Someth'n ain't right in River City, people.....I'm certainly not the only member to experience this.
Be careful how you JUDGE those whom you classify as Apostate Renegades. Your total trust in the "Arm of Fleshly" leaders is a Real Danger to your eternal future if you fail to repent.
Blind trust & obedience to Men Violating God's Laws are a sure Road to Hell.
"My Message is to not let anyone lead you away from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints".
ReplyDeleteHere in lies the problem with your message....It is NOT the Church OR Prophets that we should find our Faith Grounded In. It is Christ, who is Our Faith & Salvation. The Church & Leaders are only a help to us if they are in conformance to the will of God.
Anytime in the past, when men of God have placed THEMSELVES at the head of God's Church, which they have eventually shaped to suite their OWN needs, rather than the needs of Christ, then bad things happen.
Leaders Breaking God's Laws ? Most members breaking God's Laws
Example...Read the third chapter of Malachi and figure that one out for yourself.
It has something to do with robbing the Lord of His Tithes.....Corporation that is full of companies originally FUNDED by the Lord's Tithes, in which Top Leaders receive Big Salaries and Stippens for running them.
Kind of a cleaver way of stealing from the Lord off the backs of the poor, wouldn't you say ?....Separating the Lord's Tithes from His Church and laundering it through the Corporation to pay the Salaries they claim not to receive for their work as Prophets and Apostles of the Lord's Church.
EVERY Corporation does this in SOME "legal" fashion, and it most benefits those at the TOP of the food chain of greed.
This is only the tip of the ice burg of inconsistencies that exist within a church that has been hi-jacked by men who SAY all the right words, but inwardly they are Wolves.
You think not of Our Day ? Better do some objective research before you cast your opinion in the stone of placing your faith & trust in the Arm of Flesh.
Hypocrisy is undetected of itself, & only seeks to judge others based on biased emotional opinion, rather than fact & sound judgment.
I Do hate what you & most of the leaders and members do to Mock the Truth, but my intent is to AWAKEN you to Theirs & Your OWN self deception.
Generalizations & accusations of ones intent without knowing all the Facts, places you in a position of being judged in like manner.
Do the RESEARCH in Scripture, & in what is being played out right under your nose, and lose the Parroting Lingo. It is unbecoming of a People who SAY they speak for God, but Parrot only what men tell them to say...."Follow the prophets for they will NEVER lead us astray". You mean like Balaam, or Eli, or leaders like King David, or Solomon, who NEVER made grave errors before God and should have NEVER been criticized for their crimes against God & His people.
This is WHY our own D&C ( God's Law ), provides for the removal of a bad prophet by means of holding him to account before God as WE are held to that same accountability. A Church COURT decides this. NOT God striking that prophet dead if he attempts to lead us astray, unless a particular special occasion calls for that. It would remove OUR responsibility to use OUR free agency to police our own leaders and members.
One Example...The words of Wilford Woodriff...
Those words are the words of a Baffled & Frightened Man & Not the Words of God who Established that Law, & is afraid of NO Man.
These inconsistencies ABOUND in the church. It doesn't make the Lord look bad. It makes the men who make their decisions based on human error, to be the ones found in contempt of the Lord, and those who support those who Break God's Word in a Plethora of ways, through Blind Faith in the Arm of Flesh.
Wolves are those who dwell as Leaders, False Sheperds, and dumb blind sheep, AMONG God's People. Are leaders being cast out by the droves ? No. It's the SHEEP they are feeding on, not themselves.