Saturday, July 19, 2014

Brethrenite, TBM, and Sheeple

Hello and Welcome:

I am one of the Sheeple, or one of the Brethrenites, or one of the simpletons that the Gnostics and the LDS Apostates love to point the finger at and mock.  I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

I have created a few different blogs, each one catering to a different LDS Theme or Topic that is of interest to me.

Callings and Elections:

Women Ordained:

God and Goddesses:

Satire Because I Had Nothing Better to Do at the Time:

This megasatire blog is one where I tried to defend the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints against the apostates that I encountered on LDS Freedom Forum starting around January 2014. I did the best I could at the time, although some have told me subsequently that I employed many of the same tactics that the apostates often employ and that I should try to be better than that.

Some told me that I was too mean and that I should be nicer. Since then, I have tried to repent and change for the better.

Best wishes to all,

Mark My Words



Update:  13AUG2014:

I have truly enjoyed Ed Goble's inclusive take on Book of Mormon Geography as expressed in his book "Resurrecting Cumorah" and on LDS Freedom Forum here:

Hear him out, and choose to ignore the opposition until you have read his book and given him a proper hearing.  I feel that Ed's Inclusive Model of Book of Mormon Geography has merit and value.  Give it a look if the subject interests you.


I have been counseled by my LDS guru friend to first seek the word of God before I start preaching the word of God.  During the past few weeks, I have started to collect a number of different LDS books; and, my intention is to reduce my online presence and instead spend my time feasting upon the Gospel of Christ.  Wish me luck.  It's a change of focus, and old habits are hard to break.

Around July 02, 2014, due to requests from moderators that I leave the LDS Freedom Forum and go someplace else, I went public on the LDS Freedom Forum asking people if any of them knew of another forum that is Pro-LDS, sustains the Brethren, supports the LDS Convert, and can help a person to gain a testimony of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I was looking for a forum or a place where the moderators and the participants were actually trying to convert people to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I was looking for a different home. I was looking for a place that would support my growing conversion to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Last I looked at the thread, I was being openly mocked and told that there is no place else to go.

As far as I can tell, that thread has been deleted. I can find no sign of it in the list of my posts. It's gone.

Meanwhile, an LDS friend has recommended Meridian Magazine as a new home that is Pro-LDS.

I have started to take a look there. As far as I can tell, it doesn't have the contentious debating forum that so many of us love to participate in at LDS Freedom Forum; but, Meridian Magazine has blogs and columnists and editors who are Pro-LDS. From what I can see, it seems to be the perfect place to send a new LDS Convert, where the person can find the support and sustenance that he or she needs as they grow in the Gospel of Christ.

Meanwhile, I have gotten in the habit of backing up my posts on LDS Freedom Forum, because I never know when one of them might just disappear.

Best of Luck and Joy to You All,

Mark My Words


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