younger generation has spent very little time thinking about
Communism or studying Communism. What is Communism? Communism is
enforced equality. Communism is militant atheism or enforced
will kill you if you refuse to see things the way that they see them.
They will kill you if you refuse to do things the way they do them.
They will kill you if you have more than they do, or appear to have
more than they do.
literally killed all of the Doctors and Scientists in Cambodia
because the Doctors and Scientists had more than the rest of the
people had. That's the fruits of enforced equality. Enforced
equality is a Satanic principle. Study Pol Pot and the Killing
Fields to see the fruits of Enforced Equality.
lot of time, effort, inspiration, potential, and life can be wasted
by trying to enforce equality. Who is the one who wants us wasting
time, effort, potential, and life? It’s Satan. The drive to
enforce equality does NOT come from God. It comes from Satan.
just because we live in America, we are not automatically immune to
the lures of enforced equality.
generation we always have some kind of equal rights amendment or some
kind of program to make the sexes equal.
contrast, God deliberately created us different and unequal, male and
female, for a wise and glorious purpose. This was God’s Plan, to
have us unequal and different. There are many many things that a
woman can do that a man simply cannot do. There are also a couple of
things that a man can do that a woman cannot do. A woman makes for a
rather poor father to emulate, especially for a young man. A woman
doesn’t have the mechanism needed to become a father, either.
study the Parable of the Talents or the Parable of the Elections.
Notice that some were given 10 Elections. Some were given a couple
of Elections or a few Elections. And, some were only given one
Election or one Talent. Notice that they were created unequal by God
right from the very beginning. God did it this way so that we would
actually have a need for each other. Together, we are greater than
the sum of our unequal parts. Together, we can approach perfection,
fullness, wholeness, unity, or completion. Standing alone, we will
of the Ten Virgins:
beauty of a parable is that it can have dozens of different
interpretations, each of which is valid and useful. That's why some
claim that it's useful to have the gift of the Holy Ghost while
studying the parables, because the Holy Ghost will help you to see
other possible and useful interpretations for the very same
I latched onto the Joseph Smith Translation of the parable of the Ten Virgins, where Joseph equates the Ten Virgins to the Latter-day Saints. I personally took that to mean ALL baptized Latter-day Saints, from 1830 to the Second Coming. What is this Wedding Feast that the Ten Virgins are headed towards? It's the Celestial Kingdom. ALL baptized Latter-day Saints are ELECTED or qualified to go to the Celestial Kingdom (as are children under the age of eight).
Thus, I personally tend to interpret the Parable of the Ten Virgins to mean that, of all the people who are baptized Latter-day Saints (past, present, and future), half of them are going to apostatize, or turn apathetic, or stop keeping the commandments, or not have the Holy Ghost in them when Christ comes. There will be no oil in their lamps when the Bridegroom comes and they will be off doing something else. It's also possible that half of the baptized Latter-day Saints in the spirit world might actually remain in spirit prison, when Christ comes and when the oil-filled Latter-day Saints in Paradise are resurrected from the dead on the Morning of the First Resurrection.
Everyone tends to focus on the half of the Latter-day Saints who aren't going to make it. But, this parable tells us that half of the baptized Latter-day Saints (past, present, and future) will actually make it to the Wedding Feast or the Celestial Kingdom.
I latched onto the Joseph Smith Translation of the parable of the Ten Virgins, where Joseph equates the Ten Virgins to the Latter-day Saints. I personally took that to mean ALL baptized Latter-day Saints, from 1830 to the Second Coming. What is this Wedding Feast that the Ten Virgins are headed towards? It's the Celestial Kingdom. ALL baptized Latter-day Saints are ELECTED or qualified to go to the Celestial Kingdom (as are children under the age of eight).
Thus, I personally tend to interpret the Parable of the Ten Virgins to mean that, of all the people who are baptized Latter-day Saints (past, present, and future), half of them are going to apostatize, or turn apathetic, or stop keeping the commandments, or not have the Holy Ghost in them when Christ comes. There will be no oil in their lamps when the Bridegroom comes and they will be off doing something else. It's also possible that half of the baptized Latter-day Saints in the spirit world might actually remain in spirit prison, when Christ comes and when the oil-filled Latter-day Saints in Paradise are resurrected from the dead on the Morning of the First Resurrection.
Everyone tends to focus on the half of the Latter-day Saints who aren't going to make it. But, this parable tells us that half of the baptized Latter-day Saints (past, present, and future) will actually make it to the Wedding Feast or the Celestial Kingdom.
it can be fun to run the numbers and to speculate, you don't want to
make a religion out of it or bet the farm on it. God changes His
mind all the time depending upon whether we choose to repent or not,
or depending upon whether we choose to be baptized into the LDS
Church or not, or depending upon whether we choose to sustain the
Brethren or not.
all ten virgins repent and keep oil in their lamps, then they will
all be going to the Wedding Feast or the Celestial Kingdom, and the
parable be damned.
was going to destroy Ninevah, and God sent Jonah to Ninevah to warn
them. But guess what? They repented, and the city was spared, much
to Jonah's disappointment. Jonah didn't like them and wanted them to
be destroyed, but they repented and God changed His mind.
rebellion against God the Father, His Plan of Salvation, His Church
or Kingdom, His Ordinances, and His Priesthood is a SIN no matter
when we commit that sin during our existence. One third of the hosts
of Heaven were deliberately guilty of that sin or committed that sin
in the pre-mortal world, and it put an end to their progress.
Rebellion against God and His Kingdom or Church can have serious
the pre-mortal world, the Brethren were God the Father, Jesus Christ,
and the Holy Ghost. In the pre-mortal world apathy or a refusal to
sustain the Brethren was also a reason why some of them were exiled
from Heaven. A refusal to sustain the Brethren or God's Chosen
Prophets can have eternal consequences as well, no matter when we
chose to go that route during our eternal progression.
Any time we deliberately or knowingly rebel against God, His Kingdom or Church, and His Chosen One, it is a SIN; and, it will put an end to our progress unless we repent.
Some of the more valiant spirits or the great ones were Fore-Ordained to various Gifts or Elections while there in the pre-mortal world. We can rest assured that Mary was fore-ordained to be the mother of the Savior. I feel confident that Elijah in the Bible and Nephi in Helaman 7 were fore-ordained to receive the Sealing Power. Certainly others were fore-ordained to specific Callings, like Moses, Noah, Adam, Abraham, Enoch, Israel, Jesus Christ, and Joseph Smith. Some of them were fore-ordained, Elected, Gifted, or given a prior Election to be Seers in this life. This kind of tells me that they either sinned less or progressed further than I did in the pre-mortal realms.
Any time we deliberately or knowingly rebel against God, His Kingdom or Church, and His Chosen One, it is a SIN; and, it will put an end to our progress unless we repent.
Some of the more valiant spirits or the great ones were Fore-Ordained to various Gifts or Elections while there in the pre-mortal world. We can rest assured that Mary was fore-ordained to be the mother of the Savior. I feel confident that Elijah in the Bible and Nephi in Helaman 7 were fore-ordained to receive the Sealing Power. Certainly others were fore-ordained to specific Callings, like Moses, Noah, Adam, Abraham, Enoch, Israel, Jesus Christ, and Joseph Smith. Some of them were fore-ordained, Elected, Gifted, or given a prior Election to be Seers in this life. This kind of tells me that they either sinned less or progressed further than I did in the pre-mortal realms.
is an illusion. It's a man-made concept. Some people have suggested
to me that it is Satan who introduces to us the concept that we each
should be equal carbon-copies of each other, in order to stir up
jealousies within us when we can clearly see that we are not
We each came to this earth with different Callings and different Elections or Gifts or Fore-Ordinations. Not all of us are going to receive the Sealing Power while we are here in mortality, because we were simply not fore-ordained unto to that particular Election or Gift from God. Not all of us are going to be Dispensation Heads, because only a few of us received that particular Election while in the pre-mortal world.
The idea that we were able to sin and rebel in Heaven, explains lots of things that we see going on around us here in mortality. Some of us progressed further in the pre-mortal life than others did. Some of us will deliberately choose to end our progress or progression while we are here in this mortal life; thus, it's not going to turn out equal in the next life for any of us. Even in the Celestial Kingdom there will be an unequal pecking order, and all of us who go to the Celestial Kingdom will be learning from those who are further along than we are.
We each came to this earth with different Callings and different Elections or Gifts or Fore-Ordinations. Not all of us are going to receive the Sealing Power while we are here in mortality, because we were simply not fore-ordained unto to that particular Election or Gift from God. Not all of us are going to be Dispensation Heads, because only a few of us received that particular Election while in the pre-mortal world.
The idea that we were able to sin and rebel in Heaven, explains lots of things that we see going on around us here in mortality. Some of us progressed further in the pre-mortal life than others did. Some of us will deliberately choose to end our progress or progression while we are here in this mortal life; thus, it's not going to turn out equal in the next life for any of us. Even in the Celestial Kingdom there will be an unequal pecking order, and all of us who go to the Celestial Kingdom will be learning from those who are further along than we are.
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