During this year, 2014, I have counseled people to choose to look at all the things that the LDS Apostles have gotten right during the past couple of centuries, instead of only focusing on what they got wrong.
During my recent exchange on LDS Freedom Forum while discussing Denver Snuffer and his excommunication from the LDS Church, a person told me to follow my own advice. It seemed like wise counsel to me.
Everyone knows that I have been critical of Denver Snuffer, his recent book, and recent blog messages. Ever since Denver walked away from the LDS Apostles and wrote the book, "Passing the Heavenly Gift", Denver's message has been of no value to me.
However, it does indeed seem proper and fitting that I link to the thing that Denver Snuffer has written that I personally like the most:
What Denver has written is not all bad. I liked his book, "The Second Comforter"; and, I still do. In fact, I was a Denver Snuffer follower and fan, until he published and started promoting "Passing the Heavenly Gift". I must confess that that shift in his direction did not sit well with me.
I am one of those who thought that Denver Snuffer was a prophet of God. Therefore, I bought and read many of his books with the intention to collect and read them all. I truly thought he was a prophet of God and his message was appealing to me.
But, I personally believe that Denver Snuffer fell from that position when he started speaking evil of the Lord's anointed ones, turned against all the LDS Apostles since Joseph Smith, started denigrating the LDS Prophets, and published "Passing the Heavenly Gift". At that point, Denver Snuffer was no longer a Latter-day Saint in his heart, even if he was so on paper. That's the way I see it.
Furthermore, the deal was sealed when Denver Snuffer was excommunicated from the LDS Church. At that point, Denver no longer had the right nor the authority to be a prophet of God, because at that point Denver had his LDS ordinances, LDS temple endowment, and LDS priesthood taken away from him. At that point in time, Denver lost any right to be a prophet of God.
If Denver Snuffer was a prophet of God, then he is no longer a prophet of God. That's why I stopped buying his books and stopped supporting his cause.
Personally, I visualize Denver Snuffer as a modern-day Oliver Cowdery, Sidney Rigdon, or David Whitmer. When Denver walked away from THE Prophet of the LDS Church, the Presiding High Priest of the LDS Church, as Oliver, Sidney, and David did; and when Denver was excommunicated from the LDS Church as Oliver, Sidney, and David were; then at that point in time, Denver and these men ceased to be prophets of God.
Nevertheless, I still like Denver Snuffer's writings that were written before the fall. I don't see anything wrong with them.
Mark My Words
P.S. Completing the Circle:
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